Development services are organized in four core areas: site selection, scenario building, owner representation, site design.
entelechy provides tactical development services through an urban design lens. As experienced, diverse professionals we are able to work as creative and technical liaisons with developers, landowners and economic development specialists.
- We understand development and investment realities.
- We decipher the complexities of the development process.
- We provide strategies for clients that balance vision with development practicality.
entelechy understands the implications of a location, planning, design, and phasing decision on the feasibility and profitability of a project. Our expertise allows us to provide quantitative and qualitative market, physical, and development analysis of alternative development scenarios for clients. Developers have commented that too many consultants don't understand development processes, investment realities, or even the basic context of the site to instill appropriate planning and design solutions that make economic sense, let alone social sense.
entelechy's development practice is truly about taking potential to reality for clients.
Site Selection
Ms. Swetlik, founder of entelechy, has an innate ability to look at a site and envision a future development scenario. entelechy assists clients in finding sites and selecting sites.
Scenario Building
entelechy professionals create scenarios and decision filters to determine the appropriate strategy for a site. The scenarios can be organized as:
- Maximized entitlement strategy
- Carrying capacity of the land
- Highest and best use
"Highest and best use" for a site is not always maximizing the underlying zoning. The development must "pencil." It must be viable in the context being considered. We understand the necessity of garnering a high return on investment for developers and investors in a project.
Site Design
Our urban design focus allows us to orchestrate a successful site design. We seamlessly transition from micro (building typologies) to macro (transport, utility and open space systems) scales. We bridge the public and private realms to create places that will endure.
Owner Representation
Having a large or diverse staff on payroll is not feasible for all developers. entelechy's owner's representation services include assistance during:
- Due diligence
- Entitlements
- Detailed design
- Development